Developing a Successful Mindset for Virtual Schooling

For many children, parents, and teachers here in Hawaiʻi, virtual schooling is the current norm.  Attaining maximum levels of success in this new learning environment is a challenge being experienced by many involved.  According to Dr. George Hanawahine, a Clinical Psychologist here in Honolulu, establishing a “successful mindset” can play a key role in helping to ensure that our keiki continue to reap the benefits of their education.

Here are his top 3 tips for establishing a SUCCESSFUL MINDSET.

Tip 1.  Remind yourself that virtual schooling is new for everyone, so it is expected that those involved will likely experience struggle and discomfort in the process.

Tip 2.  Each problem faced in this new learning environment presents an opportunity to model for our keiki effective and appropriate problem solving skills.  Remember, your actions will always speak louder than your words.

Tip 3.  Everyone is in this together and by working together everyone can experience greater levels of success.

Wishing all keiki, parents, and teachers, a productive school year!
(*This content is being shared for informational purposes only.)

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